[Fwd: XSS on ICQ leading to password compromise]

From: Rafael Coninck Teigao (rafaelat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 08:29:37 PST

  • Next message: John Sage: "Re: TCP:80, TCP:1433 squelda 1.0 probe"

    	I've sent the following email to bugtraq last week. Haven't seen it on
    the list, but it came to my attention that even more account's were
    hijacked this way.
    	I'm also sending this to incidents, because I think that maybe some
    administrators are receiving similar complaints from their users and
    could (perhaps) block the XSS pages somehow.
    -------- Original Message --------
    From: Rafael Coninck Teigao <rafaelat_private>
    Subject: XSS on ICQ leading to password compromise
    To: SecurityFocus - Bugtraq <bugtraqat_private>
    CC: horvathat_private, ahiat_private,nbsoat_private
    Hello, pp.
        I've tried to find some representative from de ICQ technical staff
    but had no success so far.
        Anyway, here's what's happening:
        A friend of mine got the following address on his ICQ from a friend
    on his contact list:
    we can clearly see the <script... part on it. Unfortunately, he
        When the page opened, he typed his email address and password. Five
    minutes later he was disconnected from ICQ and was unable to login
        He then tried to recover his password and saw that it was set to:
        that's right, it has a new line on it.
        The source on the script is:
        That IP address comes from an ADSL from Telesp. The date and time of
    the incident were Nov/24 at 20:12 (GMT -2).
        He also told me that the friend who sent him the address and another
    person had their accounts hijacked as well.
        Best regards,
        Rafael Coninck Teigao
        SafeCore Network Solutions
        +55 41 224 1785
    "The only people for me are the mad ones -- the ones who are mad to
    live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same
    time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn,
    burn, burn like fabulous yellow Roman candles."
        -- Jack Kerouac, "On the Road"
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