Re[2]: Rooted, .haos on system

From: Oliver.C.Rochford CFH (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 00:36:28 PST

  • Next message: H C: "Re: Win2k Audit Logs - What happened here?"

    Hello Damian,
    it was rooted via a linuxconf exploit
    or similar. as this is a local exploit, it means they probably got on
    a different way, i assume mod_ssl
    The stuff you found was probably an autorooter, so they probably
    intended (or did) use the rooted host to scan from.
    Oliver Rochford
    Monday, December 16, 2002, 5:38:33 PM, you wrote:
    DG> On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 18:50, Damian Gerow wrote:
    >> I've just received word that one of our customers was rooted, and he's asking about the file ".haos".  Nothing rings any bells, has anyone heard of it?
    DG> Just a quick update to this...
    DG> It looks like it was an IRC bot.  I found these interesting tidbits
    DG> throughout the various source trees left on the system (definitely a
    DG> script kiddie hack):
    DG> "   /.../    /m/src/Makefile":
    DG>         #
    DG>         #   Starglider Class EnergyMech, IRC bot software
    DG>         #   Copyright (c) 1997-2000  proton
    DG>         #
    DG>         #   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    DG>         #   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    DG>         #   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    DG>         #   (at your option) any later version.
    DG> "   /.../    /m/emech.users":
    DG>         handle          Silviu
    DG>         mask            *!*
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          Malice
    DG>         mask            *!*
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          Mihai
    DG>         mask            *!*
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          Doggy
    DG>         mask            *!*
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          mortu
    DG>         mask            *!*
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         #DhT
    DG>         access          100
    DG> ".../[wxz].users":
    DG>         handle          dxd
    DG>         mask            *!*dxd@*.*
    DG>         pass            nI-duWuaJw
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          kappy
    DG>         mask            *!*kappy@*.*
    DG>         pass            0jgmlVQspb
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          essence
    DG>         mask            *!*essence@*.*
    DG>         pass            wHC0Pmbfux
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          karamel
    DG>         mask            *!*KarameL@*.*
    DG>         pass            kdiF0eQFYv
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG>         handle          DJcontact
    DG>         mask            *!*anathema@*.*
    DG>         pass            uSfKIJhaCS
    DG>         prot            4
    DG>         aop
    DG>         channel         *
    DG>         access          100
    DG> Other notes:
    DG> - a number of 'sendmail.c', '', 'efstool.c', etc. files
    DG> kicking around
    DG> - a couple of binaries called 'httpd'
    DG> - an empty file called
    DG> "????????1?1?1??F??1?Q?8eshf5VJP?eebif5JJP??QS??1?1?????.eng"
    DG> - a couple of other system binaries (i.e. bash)
    DG> I still have the original 'haos' and 'haos2' tarballs, if anyone is
    DG> interested in looking at them.  They both contain libpcap, and look to
    DG> be some sort of an automated SSH exploiter, given by the contents of the
    DG> files "targets" and 'targets.txt":
    DG> <snip>
    DG> Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    DG> Small -  SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    DG> Small - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x0806d000,0x080725ec,0x0000c804,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    DG> Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    DG> Small - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-2.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    DG> Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-2.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    DG> Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.1.1,0x08210000,0x083f99b4,0x00000004,0x0000664c,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x96,0x0805,0
    DG> Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.1.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    DG> Big - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.1.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    DG> Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.2.0,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    DG> Big - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.2.0,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    DG> </snip>
    DG> If anyone wants more info, I'm willing to pass it on.  But I'm going to
    DG> guess they got in via OpenSSH, given the nature of the scanners and the
    DG> version of the daemon running on the box.  I'm not sure where the group
    DG> came from, but here's a quick quote from one of the shell scripts
    DG> ("haosx"), and I'll leave you all at that:
    DG>    echo "$rver haosx for Linuxz"
    DG>    else
    DG>    echo ""
    DG>    echo "$rver Asteapta cateva secunde sa ma linistesc.."
    DG>    echo "Ia o pauza de o laba pana scanam ceva."
    DG>    echo ""
    DG>    echo "Thanks 2 friends : in #haos channel."
    DG> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    DG> For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    DG> and tracking system please see:
    Best regards,
     Oliver.C.Rochford                            mailto:bugtraqat_private
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

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