Re: IRC -> smtp worm?

From: Eric Chien (ecchienat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 10:53:31 PST

  • Next message: Gordon Chamberlin: "hpd, afb, sc, and sn"

    --- Joao Gouveia <tharbadat_private> wrote:
    > Here is a sample (IRC user data changed):
    > <quote>
    > HELO x4i8x4
    > RSET
    > MAIL FROM: <>
    > RCPT TO: <mask!__at_private PRIVMSG #channel :LOL>
    > </quote>
    Could be one of the many standard SMTP worms that
    parse text and html files looking for email addresses.
     The routines that do so are relatively 'inaccurate'
    as they may just search for the @ symbol.
    And in this case, it may have hit upon an IRC log and
    didn't quite parse out the email address properly (or
    realize they weren't actually email addresses at all).
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