New MS SQL Server Worm

From: H D Moore (sflistat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 01:15:40 PST

  • Next message: Christian Vogel: "Re: SNMP Weirdness"

    A worm which exploits a (new?) vulnerability in SQL Server is bringing the 
    core routers to a grinding halt. The speed of the propagation can be 
    attributed to the attack method and simplicity of the code. The worm 
    sends a 376-byte UDP packet to port 1434 of each random target, each 
    vulnerable system will immediately start propagating itself. Since UDP is 
    connection-less, the worm is able to spread much more quickly than those 
    using your standard TCP-based attack vectors (no connect timeouts). 
    Some random screen shots, a copy of the worm as a perl script, and a 
    disassembly (sorry, no comments) can be found online at:
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