Re: Packets from (was: Packet from port 80 with spoofed ip)

From: Tomasz Papszun (tomek-incidat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 12:11:13 PST

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 at  3:01:49 +0100, Peter Triller wrote:
> >I am seeing a lot of sync/ack packets from port 80 to non-existent
> >addresses on my networks.  Somebody is spoofing source addresses to
> >attack hosts, we are just innocent victims.  When will ISPs learn that
>  >they should filter their customer's packets to prevent spoofing?  I am
> > even seeing syn/ack packets from!
> I cant see much reason in such packets, since they wont give any feedback.

I may be wrong - if so, please don't hesitate to correct me and explain
what happens in such situation:

Let's say that a router is configured (with ACLs) to deny packets from (that's why I noticed them). Then it sends back an "ICMP
unreachable", doesn't it?
These ICMP packets try to travel to...! Would'n it cause
a multiplying?
I know that a router/firewall may be configured to _not_ send "ICMP
unreachables" but default is to send them.

BTW, I seem to remember that _not_ sending "ICMP unreachables" is
somehow against RFC...  Of course security reasons for not sending them
may be important (e.g. for hiding some network devices) but
_formally_... it's a little not good :-) .

> sport 80 is obviously to bypass some firewalls.


> But if he doesnt get feedback only 2 reasons pop into mind:
> - an attack similar to the worm , but the random ports don't make sense then

If my sentences above make some sense, could it be a DDoS founded on
flood of ICMP unreachables?

> - a very badly configured and/or broken piece of software/hadware.
> Peter

 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 tomekat_private   | ones and zeros.

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