Re: klez variant??

From: Nick FitzGerald (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 19:19:11 PST

  • Next message: Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Packets from (was: Packet from port 80 with spoofed ip)"

    Peter Snell <PSnellat_private> wrote:
    > Over the past 2 days, we have been seeing a resurgence of Klez type
    > activity.  However, this appears to be getting past our a/v software.  The
    > symptoms we see are:
    > - spoofed email address
    > - unusual subject
    > - no body
    > - attachments with .scr, .bat, .exe, .jpg extensions (there may be others,
    > but this is what we've examined so far)
    > - when the email is opened, even in preview pane, it launches Media Player
    > but is unable to find the specified file.
    > Has anyone else seen this type of activity lately, or have any thoughts on
    > this?
    I've not looked into the details of this in the lab, but might what 
    you're describing be related to this recent warning from MessageLabs 
    about Outlook weirdness with specially formulated "triple extension" 
    filenames in MIME atatchments??
       Outlook quirks being exploited by viruses and trojans
       With the advances being made in content filtering techniques, virus
       authors and trojan writers are now resorting to exploiting the 
       veiled quirkiness of our email software to further consolidate 
       their social engineering tactics.
    If you still have a copy of one of those Emails, you may also 
    consider forwarding it to your preferred AV developers for further 
    analysis in case there is obfuscated malware included.  Here is a 
    list of the sample submission addresses of the better known AV 
    developers to save you looking them up:
       Command Software             <virusat_private>
       Computer Associates (US)     <virusat_private>
       Computer Associates (Vet/EZ) <ipevirusat_private>
       DialogueScience (Dr. Web)    <Antivirat_private>
       Eset (NOD32)                 <sampleat_private>
       F-Secure Corp.               <>
       Frisk Software (F-PROT)      <>
       Grisoft (AVG)                <virusat_private>
       H+BEDV (AntiVir):            <virusat_private>
       Kaspersky Labs               <newvirusat_private>
       Network Associates (McAfee)  <virus_researchat_private>
       Norman (NVC)                 <analysisat_private>
       Sophos Plc.                  <supportat_private>
       Symantec (Norton)            <avsubmitat_private>
       Trend Micro (PC-cillin)      <virus_doctorat_private>
         (Trend may only accept files from registered users of its products)
    Nick FitzGerald
    Computer Virus Consulting Ltd.
    Ph/FAX: +64 3 3529854
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

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