More /sumthin, maybe

From: Sverre H. Huseby (shhat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 00:52:54 PST

  • Next message: Geert Kiers: "Re: Packets from (was: Packet from port 80 with spoofed ip)"

    I got a couple of E-mails from a guy that _may_ have more info on the
    /sumthin case.  One of his servers was "owned", and he _thinks_ the
    /sumthin request was the start of the attack.  His E-mails follow:
        I got hit with the same thing.  /sumthin is exactly what everyone
        thinks it is - a probe.  Someone used my version info to exploit a
        bug in SSL.  I still don't know what the bugs are yet, but it's
        really evident.  From there, he looged in as my webserver, and
        totally F$%^&D my server.  He set up some kind of irc server, and
        compromised so much of my server I'm having to rebuild from the
        ground up.  He redirected the root .bash_history to /dev/nul and
        redirected the mail logs and he set up an account called tcp so he
        could log in through ssh.  Most of the services were shut down
        (that's how I figured something was up - I couldn't get my mail).
        even though he did wipe the root history, he forgot to wipe
        wwwrun's history, it's too long to post, but it will be up for a
        short while at http://XXX [Sverre sais: URL removed.  log file
        He also replaced bash and set the default runlevel to halt, so
        when I restarted the system just stopped (what a pisser).
        When I went back and grepped all the logs, the /sumthin only shows
        up in the logs of one domain (despite the fact we host around [N])
        and starts sometime around mid October as everyone else has
        I found things like this in /tmp and /var/tmp:
        drwxr-xr-x   3 wwwrun   nogroup       153 Jan 26 04:10 a
        -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz
        -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz.1
        -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup     14138 Jan  4 20:32 a.tgz.2
        -rwxr-xr-x   1 wwwrun   nogroup     19577 Nov 28 15:55 alarmd
        drwxr-xr-x   5 wwwrun   nogroup       635 Dec 22 17:00 orbit-root
        drwxr-xr-x   9 wwwrun   nogroup       553 Jan 12 09:52 psybnc
        -rw-r--r--   1 wwwrun   nogroup    596571 Oct 17 23:19 psybnc.tar.gz
        after that I did a find / -user wwwrun and found a bunch of stuff
        and then discovered several other uids involved.
    The attached shell history file shows what appears to be a manual
    attacker downloading and installing several files using wget.  Some of
    the files are no longer available, but the few I managed to download
    seem to be either related to IRC (server and bot), or to Linux local
    exploits.  (I only spent a couple of minutes downloading and glancing
    at the files.)
    shhat_private		Computer Geek?  Try my Nerd Quiz

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