Re: Packet from port 80 with spoofed ip

From: zmajd fully (istoleyourmonkeysat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 15:27:59 PST

  • Next message: Tom Arseneault: "RE: Packets from (was: Packet from port 80 wi th spoofed ip)"

    Hi Hulio,
    Thanks for your response and help both on and off list. I have been able
    to link the DDoS packet to MSDN. Apprantly it is back scatter from some
    sort of p2p worm/hydra. Back scatter happens when kiddiez on the mIRC want
    2 take over channels and they send the packets with the spoofed IP using some
    toolz like on or
    At the moment the DDoS only affects windows/MSDN on intel, the solaris MSDN/sql
    server isn't affected, but apprantly a port is in the workz by some guys
    from #sage-au (./hack chanl) on I got some packets in the IDS for
    the sparcs here last night, but SUN says they won't have a patch yet till
    they fix some bugs.
    I belive you can detect the attack with tcpdump or snoop, but u have
    2 be carefull cos the tpm/sage-au guys have a thing 2 make it crash and
    open other ports which could futher open u 2 DDoS attacks of this nature.
    Thanks Again.
    Senior Network/Security Engineer.
    :: D i V E R S E - I N T E R N E T ::
       "Diverse - The future is now"
    Hulio Cortez ruxed some lyrix like:
    > Hello there Alvin,
    > DO you know if these packets will affect other operating systems than Microsof
    > ? Is this only
    > if MSDN is installed?
    > If the DDOS network is being constructed in this fashion then there could be p
    > oblems with lots
    > of non patched other systems and also Microsoft. It is very subtle and hard to
    > detect
    > without closely monitoring your intrusion logs.
    > THank you for talking to your friend in NIPC as he must be very busy at this t
    > me!!! I am sure
    > other readers appreciate this too.
    > Hulio Cortez
    > CCNA
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