Re: Identity theft scam against eBay users

From: Matthew Breitenstine (matthewat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 16:17:48 PST

  • Next message: Thierry Zoller: "RE: Increased Kuang2 activity"

    The '' site is down but the
    '' address now redirects to:
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Patrick Bryant" <piat_private>
    To: <incidentsat_private>
    Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:50 PM
    Subject: Identity theft scam against eBay users
    > The scam is a social engineering hack to obtain personal information
    > presumably for the purpose of identity theft.
    > E-mails are being sent from an address claiming to be 'serviceat_private'
    > requesting personal information including the recipient/victim's bank
    > account number and routing number, checking account account name /
    > number and routing number, eBay user ID / password, PayPal password,
    > credit card number and associated ATM PIN number, social security
    > number, driver's license number and state of issue, and mother's maiden
    > name.
    > Hopefully, half-savvy users will recognize this for what it is or at
    > least object to the disclosure, but it takes some attention to detail to
    > identify that it is a bogus request originating from outside eBay.
    > Here are the technical details:
    >   - The claimed origin address is: serviceat_private
    >   - The message ID is in sendmail format (YYMMDDHHMMSSprocessID@server)
    > and ends with the string ''.
    >   - The message TEXT directs the user to the URL:
    > That text
    > displayed in the URL masquerades the actual URL to which the
    > user-supplied data is posted.
    >   - The ACTUAL URL in the http directs the browser to:
    > '' which then does a 'refresh' redirect to
    > ''.
    > My team contacted the administrators of (in Canada), and
    > they pulled the site down, but many people may have been victimized by
    > the scam prior to the site being taken off line.
    > I have an archive of the original http page (HTML source and a .pdf
    > image) before it was taken down, if anyone wants to see it.
    > --
    > Patrick D. Bryant
    > Certified Information Systems Security Professional
    > State of California Licensed Investigator # PI23268
    > 415 N. Mary Ave. #112-346
    > Sunnyvale, CA 94085
    > (408) 245-5451 Office
    > (408) 761-1362 Cell
    > (408) 715-2559 Fax
    > piat_private
    > Member:
    >  American Society for Industrial Security
    >  California Association of Licensed Investigators
    >  High Technology Crime Investigation Association
    >  National Association of Investigative Specialists
    >  Santa Clara County Bar Association
    >  Society of Motion Picture and Televison Engineer
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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