Re: logfiles of openssl-0.9.6e + GET_CLIENT_HELLO exploit...

From: Chuck Swiger (cswigerat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 19:00:01 PST

  • Next message: Sahr, Kenneth: "RE: Traffic on UDP 1815"

    root@darks wrote:
    > i got them too. i belive they are some sort of httpd version scanner. most
    > probably trying to look for either IIS unicode attacks or apache ssl hole.
    [ ... ]
    The latter, agreed.  My point was not so much that someone was scanning, 
    or even that a sufficiently old version of apache+openssl is hackable, 
    although both seem to be valid points worth knowing.  :-)  What seemed 
    to be of more concern to me is that this exploit did not require lot of 
    failed connection attempts (ie, to deduce a cryptographic weakness) 
    before the attack succeeded.
    If I didn't have a definite time stamp for the problem-- I have 
    virtual_adrian going and a network-based monitoring tool checking every 
    five minutes-- it would have been hard to track down (or even notice) 
    the relevant pieces out of a half-million lines of Apache logfiles.
    Anyway, take care,
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