RE: S4T4N1C Web Defacement

From: Dan Perez (danperezat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 12:40:06 PST

  • Next message: Neil Dickey: "ICMP Destination Unreachable, Administratively Prohibited"

    Came across a few more hits in some searches;
    *** At I found
    Due to recent hacking issues, the forums are closed until further notice. I
    will get the updates page back up as soon as possible.
    If anybody knows anything about the Brazilian hacking group called the
    "Cyber Satans", please contact me at webmasterat_private
    On a positive note, my computer problems have been solved, so updates will
    resume as soon as possible.
    *** At I
    Secretaria de agricultura, pesca e alimentacao da Argentina - Defaced by
    tecnowstorm menber of Cyber's Satans we are:TECNOWSTORM, birics and
    the_clown. Fodam-se todos os argentinos! Brasil rlz (penta hahaha) 
    *** At I found
    ION was here ! by Mad_Skater ... fuck3d y0ur LinuX b0x ! greetz =
    Cyber_Satans - Satanic_Souls - Azilum - Birics and all 
    You may want to touch base with the administrators of some of these to
    compare notes.
    Hope this helps,
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Christopher Lyon [mailto:cslyonat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:24 AM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: S4T4N1C Web Defacement
    Looks like we just got hit with some web defacement and was just
    wondering if anybody else has seen this. It looks like this is a group
    called Satanic_brain or S4T4N1C_BR41N. I can't tell if anything else is
    going on besides just the defacement but I am still going over the IDS
    stuff and the logs. The few google searches that I did one of the links
    was DoS S4T4N1C_BR41N but I don't think that is the case. Anyway, just
    wanted to see if anybody heard about this. 
    Here is what they added to a .mdb that wasn't secured it looks like.
    Starting: 12/12/2009 
    Cybers Satans Esteve Aqui.... By S4T4N1C_BR41N
    satanicbrainat_private #cybers_satans
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