mIRC Trojan Variant - port 445 worm/Trojan

From: kyleat_private
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 14:49:50 PST

  • Next message: Tim Heagarty: "RE: Kuang2 strikes again, is it just me?"

    Symantec added a variant of mIRC Trojan to its virus definition on
    2/13/2003, and the worm/Trojan was based the older mIRC Trojan (ocxdll.exe/
    taskmngr.exe). The original analysis is at
    I saw a more than usual port 445 activities on incidents.org around 2/8-2/9,
    and again on the last few days, so I cross-checked Symantec site, and found
    the mIRC worm/Trojan variant, Backdoor.IRC.Zcrew.  This variant used port
    445 like the older ocxdll.exe Trojan.  As I did some more research, I
    noticed that TrendMicro analyzed this variant back in 12/3/2002, so I guess
    it was not new, but just re-spreading.
    I am curious how many people have seen this activities?
    If you have a copy of this virus, can you contact me?  I am interested in
    analyzing this worm/Trojan file(s).
    Symantec -
    TrendMicro -
    Kyle Lai, CISSP, CISA
    KLC Consulting, Inc.
    Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
    Version: 6.0.454 / Virus Database: 253 - Release Date: 2/10/2003
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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