RE: sending out spam through IRC server ?

From: Bill Lavalette (billlat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 16:01:23 PST

  • Next message: Patrick Webster: "RE: Numerous TCP port 445 scans on 3/2/03"

    Bronek -
    Do you have the supposed Spam plus the headers? alot of these Spam clowns
    are using peoples email addresses in the from line and then that person gets
    nailed with all the complaints a quick look at the headers reveals the
    originating MTA and client that sent it.....  It's happened to me and some
    clients so this is becoming a popular way to Spam people...
    Hope this helps....
    As far as IRC goes as far as I know unless you have some real wild
    configuration I would say its not possible to send via IRC there are some
    IRC services that allow the sending of email but I don't believe they are
    widely used for this very reason...
    Best regards,
    Chief Security Officer
    CyberBase7 Security Services METRO-SOC
    PH: 972-782-6595
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bronek Kozicki [mailto:brokat_private]
    Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 6:36 AM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: sending out spam through IRC server ?
    Hi guys
    Recently I received some complains on spam apparently sent from one of
    my servers (Win2K + SP3 + recent hotfixes). The problem is that:
    - this server is firewalled and accepting only HTTP, HTTPS (IIS5) and
    IRC (Faerion IRC Daemon) connections
    - firewall is not an open proxy
    - firewall is not allowing incoming SMTP connections
    - firewall is allowing outgoing SMTP connections
    - local SMTP is used by CDO components in number of web sites runining
    on this server, and well, you could problably stop reading here and tell
    me to check SMTP logs and/or search for some "leaky" web form for
    sending spam. I did. Actually crawling through SMTP logs and ASP code
    was the first thing I did after receiving first complain. I'm 100% sure
    that spam was *not* sent using SMTP in IIS5 . I have 2 reasons to
    believe so:
    1. IIS5 SMTPSVC has to accept message and create suitable "Received:"
    header before sending anything out. This might be "mail pickup" or
    actual incoming SMTP connections. Complains I have received do not have
    such header.
    2. SMTP is logging all outgoing communication, and I do not have any
    traces in logs that could be connected with this spam. Of course, I have
    other traces of outgoing messages, all are verified to be valid and
    coming from CDO.
    The other thing one could ask me for, would be to check if my IIS was
    not compromised. That would fairly difficult even for motivated hacker -
    I have very strict security settings (like "hisecweb" plus extra
    hardening) on the server, and all recent fixes. I'm also positive that
    there's no open proxy on the firewall or running localy on the server.
    So here I'm, with spam holding my IP in lowest "Received:" header and no
    traces. There are only two things I can think of:
    1. some leaky web form NOT using CDO/CDONT to send out messages (and
    something else instead)
    2. Faerion IRC daemon ver. 1.17.6 . I installed it and configured for
    handling only local chat sessions (not connected to any IRC network)
    What I'm asking you for, is to tell me if it is possible to use IRC
    daemon for sending out spam ? I do not know much about configuring IRC
    daemon so there might be some settings that I left default=unsecure .
    Any thoughts ?
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