RE: Defaced website listing...

From: Craig Searle (craig.searleat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:25:12 PST

  • Next message: John McCracken: "RE: Defaced website listing..."

    Zone-h is probably the most popular defacement archive on the web
    Craig Searle
    SIFT Pty Ltd
    P (02) 9236 7276
    F (02) 9236 7271
    M 0402 914 077
    E craig.searleat_private
    Level 67, MLC Centre,
    Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Hay, Duane [mailto:Duane.Hayat_private] 
    Sent: Thursday, 13 March 2003 07:56 AM
    To: Security Focus - Incidents (E-mail)
    Subject: Defaced website listing...
    Well, and have taken their defacement lists and
    mirrors offline, is there a current list/mirror out there that anyone is
    aware of?
    Duane Hay
    Security Consultant
    AT&T Canada
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