"webmoney" trojan and COM interface analysis

From: Pierre Vandevenne (pierreat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 15:56:03 PST

  • Next message: Charles Polisher: "Trojan attacking our switches"

    Hello incidents,
      We have analyzed a trojan that was spammed on us early this week.
    Not really a big news in itself as similar beasts are seen on a
    regular basis but since COM based hostile code is notoriously hard to
    analyze statically, we have published some details that could help
    other analysts facing similar trojans
      www.datarescue.com/idabase/greetings is the place. We have put a
    basic text description of the trojan and documented our in-depth
    analysis with a couple of IDA databases and their equivalent listings
    in pure text mode.
    Best regards,
    Pierre                          mailto:pierreat_private
    www.datarescue.com/idabase - home of the IDA Pro Disassembler
    IDA Pro: the undisputed leader in hostile code analysis
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