Re: Possible Intrusion Attempt?

From: Stewart (bdlistsat_private)
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 12:33:48 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan A. Zdziarski: "RE: A question for the list..."

    Rob Shein wrote:
    > I'm a little fuzzy about this do you prevent people from
    > accepting HTML mail, and considering how many mail clients out there send it
    > by default, what do you do when all of a sudden a large percentage of people
    > can't email you anymore?
    Probably in a similar fashion that you would solve the problem of e-mail 
    attachments [1]no longer accepted per default (about 90% of them are 
    blocked) in the (arguably) most commonly used mail client, the Microsoft 
    Outlook family. Microsoft seems to have removed the paragraph that was 
    most interesting to me, in which they decreed that future versions of 
    Outlook (Express) would completely disallow attachments altogether.
    It's just one of those things that went horrifically wrong with e-mail, 
    and changes need to be grandfathered in. Perhaps in answer to your 
    question, an auto-response detailing the security problems inherrant to 
    most HTML e-mail with references detailing how to change the default 
    behaviour in most popular mail clients would be in order.

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