RE: UDP to port 500

From: Mike Lyman (
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 08:39:51 PDT

  • Next message: morning_wood: "[Full-Disclosure] myServer - Remote Denial of Service"

    > Its most likely a windows box, for some stupid reason they 
    > send out ISAKMP packets first to try to negotiate a secure 
    > connection. Then they default back to normal 
    > communication.
    > Least this has been my experience...
    As we began to roll out IPSec on our corporate network, it began to
    trigger a lot of UDP port 500 activity on our HIDS systems. These may
    become common place as more places adapt IPSec and their employee's
    laptops then move outside their networks and operate on the internet
    and still attempt the IPSec negotiation.
    Mike Lyman
    Attend the Black Hat Briefings & Training, July 28 - 31 in Las Vegas, the 
    world's premier technical IT security event! 10 tracks, 15 training sessions, 
    1,800 delegates from 30 nations including all of the top experts, from CSO's to 
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