RE: Administrivia...

From: James C. Slora, Jr. (Jim.Sloraat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 15:22:58 PDT

  • Next message: Dan Hanson: "Re: Administrivia..."

    If I understand correctly, you are trying to address the quality of the
    responses as well as the quality of the questions. FAQ posting should
    help both issues by providing complete answers to repetitive questions.
    Weekly FAQ sounds great to me - it might actually still be sitting in
    the inbox when a relevant question arises. I'd prefer to see a very
    brief outline FAQ with links to details at a single site, rather than a
    monstrous usenet-style FAQ. The mailed FAQ should only contain links to
    pages controlled by the list manager, so that saved copies of the FAQ
    don't develop dead links too quickly. The web-based FAQ should certainly
    include links to other sites, though.
    Since you want to have higher-level discussion on the list, the FAQ
    should briefly state your vision of the list's purpose. Otherwise the
    FAQ could end up defining the list.
    It should be short enough for us to ignore it if we don't need it, and
    frequent enough for it to be in the laps of those of us who do need it.
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