Re: Strange CONNECT entries in apache logs

From: sgaskinsat_private
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 18:52:17 PDT

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    I just saw the same kind of entry in my apache log: - - [09/Jul/2003:17:58:00 -0400] "CONNECT 
    INBOUND.LEADSOURCE.CC.VERISIGNMAIL.NET:25 HTTP/1.0" 405 1014 "-" "-" - - [09/Jul/2003:17:58:00 -0400] "POST HTTP/1.1" 200 781 "-" "-"
    The interesting item that is new here is that the subsequent line after 
    the failed CONNECT entry is a 'POST' entry going back to the same IP addr 
    (which BTW happens to fall into according to visualroute) 
    back to port 25.  I am more concerned now because this POST request was 
    status '200' (successful?).  What could have been posted back to this 
    guy's site?
    Scott Gaskins
    >Mike Blomgren wrote:
    >> Comments below.
    >>>-----Original Message-----
    >>>From: Thomas Jensen [mailto:securityfocusat_private] 
    >>>Sent: den 11 juni 2003 09:53
    >>>To: incidentsat_private
    >>>Subject: Re: Strange CONNECT entries in apache logs
    >>>I just looked in my logs and found the same (CONNECT with a 
    >>>200 code). However it might not be the problem it seems to 
    >>>be. I tried connecting 
    >>>with telnet and execute a CONNECT command - the result was a 200 code 
    >>>and the output of my own /index.php page.
    >>>I have found several references to this being a PHP4 bug, which can 
    >>>happen when you have an index.php file and a DirectoryIndex index.php 
    >>>directive in you Apache conf.
    >> This behaviour can occur if there is a 'redirect' from a non-existent
    >> file, to an errorpage. The webserver should return a 404 status, since
    >> the request was made to a non-existing page, but the actual 'error 
    >> exists and thus returns 200 status. A very common problem on IIS 
    >> - however seemingly not the case here. The issue is none the less
    >> important to resolve for several reasons: 1) Not falsely attract scum
    >> such as proxy and spam-relayers, 2) Update indexes of search engines.
    >Hmm, personally I don't mind that a few scumbag spammers thinks that 
    >they can spam thru my server - as long as they can't ;-)
    >A matter of taste I guess.
    >Regarding (2), I don't think a search engine would try a CONNECT request.
    >For anyone interested in testing their own servers, I use these few 
    >lines of python code:
    >import socket
    >s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    >s.connect(('localhost', 80))
    >s.send('CONNECT HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')
    >print s.recv(10240)
    >Replace 'localhost' as appropriate for your configuration.
    >Best regards
    >Thomas Jensen
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