Re: more info on a hopefully unsuccessful compromise

From: Herman Sheremetyev (hermanat_private)
Date: Sun Jul 13 2003 - 14:16:19 PDT

  • Next message: winter: "RE: more info on a hopefully unsuccessful compromise"

    On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 14:04, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
    > No. This is what happens when users assume the task of auditing, rather
    > than leaving it to the professionals. 
    A "professional" eh?
    > Here is Retina trying the word administrator backwards. Since the account
    > has NO PASSWORD, it succeeds, and incorrectly logs the password as valid.
    Admittedly I don't know much about this retina product nor am I a
    windows user but a blank password does NOT equal *any* password, not
    even windows is that retarded.
    > Here's the log entry that is meaningful. You have an ADMINISTRATOR account
    > with no password. What were you thinking? Put a good password on the
    > administrator account, and be done with it. I'd suggest that a little
    > reading from the Microsoft site, or from any book not containing the title
    > words "21 days" or "dummies" would be of great benefit to you. I'd also
    > suggest that a part time administrator to assist you with your machines
    > would be helpful.
    I'd suggest a little reading of the original poster's email.  He clearly
    says he *has* a password on the Administrator account and it still
    works, in addition to these other passwords he's been trying.
    > > However the system shows no evidence of these accounts in the user
    > > manager...  but the accounts are there.
    > No, no, no. The Administrator account is supposed to be there. 
    Are you reading his email at all?  He just said it's not in User
    Manager.  Yes, it's *supposed* to be, but it's *not*.
    > If some
    > moron renamed it, the above stuff with Retina will still work. 
    A moron?  Why would you even say that?  Oh right, you're the pro and
    he's the luser....And would you please enlighten everyone what exactly
    is wrong with renaming the Administrator account?  Again, I don't use or
    even like Windows but I've had to admin Win2k boxes in my day and can
    tell you that renaming the Administrator account is actually a good
    idea.  It's the only account Windows won't let you set a timeout on so
    it's usually a safe bet for brute-forcing the password over the network.
    However, if "some moron" renames it, you're going to be brute-forcing a
    non-existent account, or better yet a non-priv'd dummy one.
    > Look at the
    > users, under the manage menu. If there is no Administrator account, then
    > check by the properties menu to see what group(s) the accounts are members
    > of. The administrator account is traditionally a member of only the
    > Administrators group (kind of reminds you of setprv on VMS, hmmmmmm)
    I'm sorry but this is just sad...
    Back on topic, I have to say the parent poster is a bit short on the
    details and he's probably just a little confused so it might be a simple
    misunderstanding on his part.  However, if everything he posted is
    correct and these boxes allow Administrator to log on with any password
    it sounds like he has a real problem on his hands.  I just hope the
    "professional" he hires to fix it actually knows what they're talking
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