RE: more info on a hopefully unsuccessful compromise

From: Deus, Attonbitus (Thorat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 14 2003 - 13:29:42 PDT

  • Next message: David Vincent: "RE: more info on a hopefully unsuccessful compromise"

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    At 10:23 AM 7/14/2003, Dial Joe wrote:
    >Hi Herman,
    >I'll jump in on the renaming the administrator account.
    >First My disclaimer: I am not a (fulltime) Windows Administrator and
    >I  don't even have an MCSE, but I have been told that renaming the 
    >Administrator account is of little value (Well, actually the MCSE
    >that  told me said *no* value) since the Security ID for the
    >Administrator  account is a well known value, and this is what
    >hacking/cracking attempts  use instead of the user name.  My (so
    >called) expert said that an NT/2K/XP  script kiddie could connect to
    >the machine and exploit it without even  knowing that the
    >Administrator account was renamed.  I (personally)  usually rename
    >it, then create a disabled guest account called 
    >administrator, just in case someone gets physical access to the
    >machine  and wants to *let their fingers do the walking*...
    >If anyone on this list can confirm or deny the value of renaming the
    > Administrator account with more info than just *somebody who has
    >been  right before told me* then I would love for them to enlighten
    Hey Joe- et al-
    To be specific, renaming the administrator account when one can hit
    machine with NetBIOS/CIFS is of little value for the reasons you 
    state.  However, when it comes to deploying Terminal Services,
    renaming the 
    administrator account has real value.  Since a TS logon is a "local"
    and the administrator account cannot be locked out for "local"
    renaming the administrator for machines accessible via a TS logon can
    definitely help thwart brute force attacks.  IOW, if I know you have
    renamed your admin account from "administrator," then I can hammer on
    all day long knowing that the account won't be locked out.
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