strange protocol scans (and MOBP plug)

From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Sat Jul 19 2003 - 11:55:47 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Cisco 0-day? [Was: strange protocol scans (and MOBP plug)]"

    Hello list,
    I've just updated the museum of broken packets at (a shameless but on-topic plug), and in
    the process of doing so, I reviewed some of the recent logs. On one of the
    boxes, I noticed some quite awkward activity I can't really explain.
    The traffic in question is a number of strange packets that seem like a
    (broken?) IP protocol scan, but do not seem to match the characteristics
    of a known proto scan tool (quite different from nmap -sO, for example).
    This traffic is then followed by a storm of ip-proto-55 packets with
    increasing TTLs from a similar source (this is exhibit #12 in the museum,
    posted with full packet dumps and such). What's going on?
    I'm truly perplexed as to the nature and purpose of this activity. Have
    anyone seen something like this, or has some insight as to what could be
    happening? Any suggestions, log lookups and conspiracy theories truly
    ------------------------- bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --
     Michal Zalewski * []
        Did you know that clones never use mirrors?
    --------------------------- 2003-07-19 20:43 --
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