Re: floods through our proxy

From: mms (incidentsat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 08:04:59 PDT

  • Next message: Christian Kieft: "Re: Exploit for Windows RPC may be in the wild!"

    Jon Zobrist <jzobristat_private> wrote on Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 02:47:45PM -0600:
    ¡ We have an old software proxy that clients surfed through.
    ¡ It's discontinued and normally we have 50 clients or less still trying
    ¡ to use it. In the last hour it's climbed to over 3000 so I did some
    ¡ investigating.
    This happens to us when the users install Gator or some other spyware.
    A single Gator installation can make >4,000 requests per day. Check the
    url being requested.
    Matthew Southworth
    B621 BA09 2169 953A 44F0  B0EB 12C2 656D 0DE0 CEEC

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