Re: Scan of TCP 552-554

From: Chris Shepherd (chrissat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 05:42:27 PDT

  • Next message: Sam Baskinger: "Re: Command Line RPC vulnerability scanner?"

    Quoting Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigobat_private>:
    > You are right, of course. The thing I'm attempting is to make them
    > hit my traps faster, so I can react faster. And, as I said, I don't
    > think we should use the same method everywhere. Sametime I use
    > DROP, sometimes I use tcp-reset and sometimes, icmp-replies.
    > As far as I got from this discussion, every method is about as good
    > as the other. All have advantages and problems. The real question is
    > how to balance them all to have the most benefits of each one of them.
    > Care to comment on this one ?
    In this case, it may make sense to keep your traps on a honeypot box. I'm having
    a bit of a difficult time understanding exactly what you mean by 'hit my traps
    faster, so I can react faster'. React how? What would your reaction to a port
    scan be? If you cite an example, I'll probably have a much clearer idea about
    what kinds of traps you're talking about. :)
    Chris Shepherd

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