RE: msblast.exe --> DDoS against (research)

From: Christopher Lyon (cslyonat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 23:57:44 PDT

  • Next message: Dennis: "Analysis/decompilation of main() of the msblast worm"

    I did infect a machine with msblaster (Windows XP straight out of the
    box) and put the machine behind a cheapy firewall using private
    addresses. I was able to get out to the internet but I did end up
    blocking everything from this host outbound. Figured I didn't want to
    contribute spreading this thing. I confirmed that the host was running
    the virus and trying to go outbound on 135. Once I did that, I put the
    clock at 23:59 on the 15th and waited. Nothing happened so @ 00:15 I
    rebooted, once I rebooted, that is when the DoS started to happen. Maybe
    I need to wait longer or maybe it needs to restart msblaster. All you
    will see in port 80 connections going to That is
    either or So, when it starts it does a
    query for and which ever IP address it gets first that
    is what it hits. You won't see your own source for the DoS either, that
    will be generated. Since my PC was on a, it was generating
    them for 192.168.x.x. That seems to be typical, the first two octets
    from your local host and the second two it generates. 
    Note: There are no DNS storms created by the DoS and the port scanning
    for port 135 keeps going. The spreading of the virus keeps going in
    other words.    
    Hope this helps.
    Good luck,
    Christopher Lyon
    Sr. Security Development Engineer
    Affant Communication (formerly DNS Network Services)
    v: 714-338-7106
    f: 714-338-7101
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Sekurity Wizard [mailto:s.wizardat_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:03 PM
    > To: incidentsat_private
    > Subject: msblast.exe --> DDoS against (research)
    > Hi all,
    >   Thought I'd do some research into this little hypothesis we've all
    > seeing, what will happen on the 16th!?  Well, I've set up a named
    > (logging ALL queries into it) and an infected Win2k box (ran
    > on it) into the same hub...and then set the date to the 16th......much
    > my surprise, NOTHING happened.  Literally, nothing.  No scanning for
    > 135, no DNS storms, no DDoS packets - nothing...what did I do wrong
    > or...what does this mean?
    > ./Wiz
    > -
    > --

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