Re: intercepting system calls

From: Kurt Seifried (listuserat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 15 2001 - 22:20:03 PDT

  • Next message: aleph1at_private: "Re: intercepting system calls"

    Something to please rmemeber when attempting to do all these funky
    security policy protection mechanisms:
    A lot of people have remote servers. These servers do not have a
    keyboard/monitor. A few (and I mean very few) have serial lines attached
    so people can dialin/etc. The vast majority are accessed via ssh/telnet
    and other network protocols.
    So what?
    If I cannot modify my security policy by remotely ssh'ing in I can't
    really use your security mechanism. I am sure this applies to other
    people as well. Please keep this in mind =).
    Kurt Seifried, seifriedat_private
    linux-security-module mailing list

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