Re: Benchmarks (was Re: Hooking into Linux using the LTT)

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 21:52:42 PDT

  • Next message: Neil Bortnak: "Re: GACI item list - to give some items for discussion"

    On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 09:00:05PM -0700, Seth Arnold wrote:
    > * Andrew Morgan <morganat_private> [010416 20:32]:
    > > How will you handle backward compatibility?
    > Could this system be made more generic?
    > init_module()
    > {
    >   int nrfuncs, i;
    >   nrfuncs = get_kernel_security_hook_count();
    >   for (i=0; i < nrfuncs; i++) {
    >     switch (i) {
    >       case CHECK_FS_OPEN: mymodule_checks[CHECK_FS_OPEN] = &mymodule_fs_open;
    >       case CHECK_FS_READ: mymodule_checks[CHECK_FS_READ] = &mymodule_fs_read;
    >       /* ... */
    >       default: mymodule_checks[i] = &mymodule_instant_return_EACCES;
    >     }
    >   }
    >   kernel_set_check_policy (&mymodule_checks);
    > }
    In order to do that, mymodule_checks[] would have to consist of a bunch
    of void (*foo)(void) calls, and we would have to cast the heck out of
    them.  Not good, and not allowed, sorry.
    > However, I think the *correct* approach is just as you suggested --
    > refuse to load. Rationale: if a new hook was added, it could very well
    > grant more access than the module would want to allow. Default deny on
    > such instances wouldn't be ideal -- it may be required for proper
    > operation of the machine. Default allow on such instances wouldn't be
    > ideal -- it may allow a new form of file descriptors to be passed around
    > or something similar to bypass the other checks.
    > By providing more functionality than the carefully designed modules have
    > taken into account, the interactions should probably *not* be figured
    > out by the kernel at load time. Perhaps this could be left up to the
    > individual modules again:
    > init_module()
    > {
    >   if (OUR_FUNCTION_COUNT != get_kernel_security_hook_count())
    >     return 1;
    >   /* continue loading as below */
    > }
    The count of functions is no guarantee that the functions are of the
    correct type, or in the correct order.
    > Or would people perfer a static system of determining that module X
    > won't load into kernel Y?
    You can do it by having the code in the 
    security_set_ops(struct security_ops *) function, by it checking the
    version number, but that really isn't necessary.  Loading of modules
    across kernel versions isn't supported or encouraged.  Just recompile
    the thing.
    Remember Linux does not have a binary driver/module interface :)
    > [These are all just thoughts; don't hesitate to tear these suggestions
    > apart if there is no redeeming value in them. :]
    Ok, just doing my part :)
    greg k-h
    linux-security-module mailing list

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