Re: permissive vs. restrictive issue and solutions...

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 12:35:45 PDT

  • Next message: jmjonesat_private: "Re: Where Are We?"

    On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Chris Wright wrote:
    > * jmjonesat_private (jmjonesat_private) wrote:
    > > On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 sarnoldat_private wrote:
    > > 
    > > I have 4
    > > 
    > > security_ops->capabilities
    > > security_ops->restrictive
    > > security_ops->permissive
    > > security_ops->audit
    > > 
    > You still have not convinced me that there is an value in splitting the
    > restrictive and permissive hooks apart like this.  I am strongly in
    > favor of a single hook with authoritative control.
    Okay, I'll give it one more minimal try.
    By splitting the structure, you achieve uniformity in the implementation,
    separating the different areas currently under debate.
    By giving ONE hook PERMISSIVE or RESTRICTIVE control, not AND, you can 
    argue assurance in any module with a restrictive service function  but no
    permissive service function using a variation of Dr. Cowan's "grep"
    You allow "more permissive" "more restrictive" "totally permissive" and 
    "totally restrictive" modules without necessarily implying more overhead
    to one or the other and enforce it in the logic that remains in the core 
    By imposing symmetry in the structure, but not in the current
    implementation, you allow more hooks in the future to implement
    any unimplemented controls at the cost of 8 or 16 bytes (depending 
    on how long a pointer is) and clarify the API so programmers know 
    EXACTLY what is allowed as a return.
    You clarify, for argument, the placing of any hook, and avoid (largely)
    having to "meld" our logic into the core kernel.
    BTW, I like Stephen Smalley's idea about reverting some of 
    capabilities and excising some other places, leaving the "capable()"
    call as our main "hook".  At least I *think* that's inherent in his 
    proposal.  Capabilities are a pain, just because (I think) the designers
    didn't argue to conclusion the points we're discussing now, and unless you 
    move them ALL to "permissive", where they're also a pain, but centralized 
    and potentially discardable.
    I think, unless you move the kernel logic (see previous post) out to the
    module and make the entire interface "restrictive only", this is the
    clearest route to both "most general" and "most flexable".
    if we end up with
    from here, we leave open the possibility of adding "permissive" later, 
    but it costs 4 or 8 bytes and some "thinking", and slipping it in now
    means we have a mechanism for "forward progress."
    I'll gladly apply resource to the "thinking."
    > -chris
    J. Melvin Jones
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
    ||  Microcomputer Systems Consultant  
    ||  Software Developer
    ||  Web Site Design, Hosting, and Administration
    ||  Network and Systems Administration
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