Re: Kernel Security Extensions USENIX BOF Summary

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 07:24:38 PDT

  • Next message: David Wheeler: "Hook test (was: Re: Kernel Security Extensions USENIX BOF Summary)"

    On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > So, if someone wants to write a hook-presence detecting tool, that would
    > be excellent.  The basic architecture is:
    >    * A test module that contains a vector of status bits, each
    >      representing some hook that is supposed to be present.
    Unless I misunderstand, LSMEXAMPLE already pretty much covers this need...
    every hook is intercepted and a count is maintained of how many times 
    each is called.  A simple revision can reduce that to a vector as another
    result available to user-land.  
    One issue (possibly not a problem) is that hooks get invoked by everything
    in the system, so identifying only the hooks triggered by the user-land 
    test app might be useful in assuring it was the entity that triggered 
    the hooks (to prevent false positives from some other source) this
    probably could be accomplished by filtering by PIDs or having a unique
    "lsmtest" GID... I'd have to check to see if that information is always
    available during every hook, or if there might be a cleaner way.
    >    * A user-land app. that performs a bunch of operations.  When these
    >      operations are all performed, presumably all of the bits in the test
    >      module will have been set by the corresponding hooks having been
    >      called.  If any of the bits are not set, then some hook has been
    >      crippled.
    > The above punts on the question of whether the kernel "responded
    > appropriately" to the hook.  A couple of varioations I can imagine are:
    >    * the "positive" case:  the app tries to do a bunch of stuff, and all
    >      should succeed.
    >    * the "negative" case:  the app should be denied all of its accesses.
    > In both cases, it is the user-land app that needs to detect whether the
    > operation was permitted or denied.
    That would test the LSM and the Kernel, since decisions are still being
    made in both places.  It would also be useful to know what the LSM
    returned from the hook to determine if the Kernel changed it or ignored 
    it by it's logic.  I could let the user-land app preset the return code
    (or a series of return codes) on a hook by hook basis for this purpose.
    Would that be useful/adequate or overkill?  Perhaps just having the test
    module return a known errorcode not otherwise used (-ELSM) would be 
    sufficient... if the kernel doesn't and never will react to specifically 
    WHICH error was returned before returning to userland?  I don't suspect
    that is the case.
    > Greg KH wrote:
    > > Might want to look into the Linux Test Project:
    > >
    > > and add tests to their framework for the LSM.
    > An excellent point.  I didn't read into LTP, so my straw-man design above
    > does not consider any factors that LTP might have raised.
    > Anyone wanna write this beastie?  There are at least 470 of us, so surely
    > someone wants the fame & glory :-)
    I can pretty easily modify the LSMEXAMPLE code to provide an LSM-TEST API
    that a user-land app can use, but I think the user-land app may break my 
    bank, but if somebody wants to team up I think I can get the
    module-harness side done up to provide whatever info the user-land app
    would need.  (no fame & glory necessary)
    > Crispin
    > --
    > Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    > Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    > Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    > Available for purchase:
    J. Melvin Jones
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
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