syscall convention - analysis of collision probability.

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 14:58:38 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: syscall convention - analysis of collision probability."

    Well, it's dangerous to do, but I thought I'd actually do some analysis
    and report on it.  I've written a program that determines the probability
    of a hash collision if security modules use MD5 hashes slimmed to 32 bits
    (assuming different names are used).
    Basically, MD5 works, even if you're only using 32 bits, as a practical
    method for distinguishing modules.
    Given 10 security modules, the odds are 0.00000105% (about 1 in a 100 million)
    for a collision.
    The odds go up with more modules, but the numbers are EXTREMELY small...
    the odds of a hash collision are nearly non-existant, even if there are
    1000 different security modules (!).  I'd expect no more than 100 such
    modules, so this just isn't a problem.  Even if there WAS a collision, it's
    not a serious problem - they can collide, or one can ignore this convention,
    or one can change its name.
    Here's sample data..
    Modules Probability of collision
    ====== ========================
        20 0.00000442%
        30 0.00001013%
        40 0.00001816%
        50 0.00002852%
        60 0.00004121%
        70 0.00005623%
        80 0.00007357%
        89 0.00009118%
       100 0.00011525%    <-- about 1 in a million, if 100 modules.
       200 0.00046333%
       500 0.00290452%
      1000 0.01162922%    <-- about 1 in 10,000, if 1000 (!) modules.
    And here's the code I used to generate these numbers:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    s=2.**32  # The space of possible random numbers.
    n=1000   # The largest number of independent random variables.
    p=0.0     # The probability of collision.
    for i in xrange(2, n+1):
      p = p + (1.-p)*((i-1.)/s)
      print "%6d %4.8f%%" % (i, p*100.)
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