Re: minor patch to sched.h

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 11:43:48 PDT

  • Next message: jmjonesat_private: "Re: quotactl hook"

    On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 11:32:17AM -0700, Seth Arnold wrote:
    > On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 11:14:18AM -0700, richard offer wrote:
    > > Right, but some are set to 0, which made me wonder. My suspicion is that
    > > you're right, but it may still be worthwhile for documentation purposes.
    > Those are set to zero mostly as placeholders, if I am not mistaken.. If
    > they weren't included as zero, there is no way for most compilers to
    > allocate the space for them in the structures -- the labels in
    > structures are a GCC extension, and one that I don't think is even
    > checked (i.e., it is entirely for documentation purposes...)
    The size of the "space" is determined by the size of the structure, not
    by the initializer.
    Labels in structure initializers are in the C99 spec, but the gcc
    version that the kernel uses (with ":") is a gcc specific thing.  Some
    older versions of gcc (like the egcs branch) have problems with them at
    Hope this helps,
    greg k-h
    linux-security-module mailing list

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