Re: Binary only module overview

From: Alan Cox (alanat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 16:39:46 PDT

  • Next message: richard offer: "Re: Binary only module overview"

    > ever be permitted to be proprietary. Some feel that all LSM modules 
    > should be OSD-compliant Open Source software, while others feel that LSM 
    > should continue the existing Linux module policy of permitting 
    > proprietary modules only if they do not require changes to the Linux 
    > kernel (which would make them a derived work of the kernel).
    With the current lunatic US congress proposals on security, crypto and
    building big brother into all PC's I'd say allowing non GPL security modules
    is positively dangerous to the well being of non US citizens
    linux-security-module mailing list

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