Minor style issue - make kerror first on authoritative hooks?

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 06:41:18 PDT

  • Next message: richard offer: "Re: Determing the difference between path_walk and chdir ?"

    richard offer <offerat_private> said:
    > Attached is the authoritative hook patch updated to TOT ...
    As a minor style suggestion, I suggest that any "kerror" parameter
    be listed first, not last, in the parameters of authoritative hooks.
    Advantages of listing kerror first:
    1. It's easier to see which functions have kerror, you just look at
       the first parameter.  Otherwise, you have to scan the list of parameters
       to see the _last_ parameter.  Are authoritative hooks the only ones with
       kerror?  If so, this becomes an easy way to id authoritative hooks.
    2. It's slightly easier to add NEW parameters to a hook.  If the kerror value
       is always last, then when you add new parameters you'll usually add them
       as the NEXT-to-last parameter, which is mildly error-prone & might be
       harder to spot as an addition.  If kerror is first, then new parameters
       would normally be added as the new last parameter.
       Current way:   hook(foo, bar, kerror);  => hook(foo, bar, new, kerror);
       kerror-first:  hook(kerror, foo, bar);  => hook(kerror, foo, bar, new);
    This not a big deal, obviously, but any improvement is an improvement..
    linux-security-module mailing list

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