Re: Authoritiative hooks patch updated to 2.4.11 (richard offer)

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 06:40:38 PDT

  • Next message: Greg KH: "Re: [PATCH] cleanup spaces between functions and arguments"

    I took a brief look at Richard Offer's authoritative hooks work; I think
    he's satisfactorily resolved the big question about authoritative hooks.
    One of the big concerns about the "authoritative" approach was that it would
    take a lot more code, and thus be a MUCH bigger patch.  I haven't done
    a count, but by looking at the actual code, I think it qualitatively
    really isn't THAT much more code. It's obviously more flexible, and it solves
    several problems (e.g., the ordering issue mentioned before for SGI, etc.).
    We've already established that the restrictive approach is less helpful
    than previously thought, and that trying to do all things through
    capabilities was ugly.
    Richard has presented code as evidence, not just generic arguments, and I
    think he's made his case. Other comments?
    linux-security-module mailing list

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