Re: Detecting missing hook functions

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 12:46:56 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Smalley: "Re: Detecting missing hook functions"

    I'm the poor soul who reported the complete system lockup running Mozilla -
    Stephen did a great job in tracking down the problem.
    Something needs to be done about this; this is an easy mistake to make, it's
    easily missed, and it has dire consequences.
    > Message: 4
    > Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 13:22:01 -0400 (EDT)
    > From: Stephen Smalley <sdsat_private>
    > To: <linux-security-moduleat_private>
    > Subject: Detecting missing hook functions
    > At present, if you accidentally miss a hook function when writing your
    > security module, you don't get any kind of warning unless it happens to
    > be one of the top-level hooks (checked by security/security.c:verify).
    > This happened to the SELinux security module.  Back at the beginning of
    > August, a set of additional hooks were added to task_security_ops by
    > Lachlan, and I missed the getscheduler hook when I updated the SELinux
    > module.  We made three releases of the SELinux security module without
    > noticing this problem, and only happened to find it after a user reported
    > a complete system lockup upon running mozilla on the third release.  Even
    > then, it wasn't easy to track down - we didn't get any kind of kernel
    > Oops until we rolled forward to 2.4.13-pre6, just a complete lockup.
    > Although this was my mistake, it would be nice if the verify function
    > would catch these kinds of mistakes.  But simply expanding the current set
    > tests for each individual hook function pointer seems painful and may not
    > be well-maintained as new hooks are added.  Is there a simpler way to
    > validate the entire structure?
    > --
    > Stephen D. Smalley, NAI Labs
    > ssmalleyat_private
    linux-security-module mailing list

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