LIDS 2.0.1pre2 for LSM is here.

From: Huagang Xie (xieat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 30 2002 - 02:55:09 PST

  • Next message: Huagang Xie: "Re: LIDS 2.0.1pre2 for LSM is here."

    This version,
    	- Support module stack, now can support OWLSM ( openwall for
    	   LSM) as secondary module of LIDS.
    	- fixed a #if bug when use path_lookup
    	- still support 2.4.x and 2.5.x
    In order to use this feature, you can 
    	1) insmod the lids moduls first. 
    		# modprobe lids
    	2) insmod the owlsm
    		# modprobe owlsm
    	3) seal the kernel
    		# lidsadm -I
    Now, owlsm and lids is part your kernel. 
    Enjoy it.
    LIDS secure linux kernel
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