Re: RFC: sys_execve security kernel mod

From: J. Paul Reed (preedat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 14:19:36 PDT

  • Next message: J. Paul Reed: "Re: RFC: sys_execve security kernel mod"

    On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Jesse Pollard wrote:
    > Of course mtime can be faked - just look at touch - it modifies access
    > time (-a) and mtime (-m) dates associated with the file. The only way to
    > stop that would be to put a cookie into the inode that gets cleared on
    > any write to the file data blocks and where ctime or mtime fields in the
    > inode are modified.
    > And if you look at tar - it creates files with any
    > creation/access/modification date as specified in the tarfile.
    Yeah... actually, what I meant was ctime... so I'll fix that right now.
    You can't modify ctime without hacking the fs directly or doing so through
    the kernel... which, if an attacker someone is root, then they could
    probably do, but it'll keep your average IRCing script kiddie at bay...
    they don't even know what a ctime is.
        J. Paul Reed              preedat_private ||
        Nothing satisfies more than a post-coital omelet of your own design.
                               -- Will Farrell, Saturday Night Live, 5/18/02
    linux-security-module mailing list

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