Re: New hooks for sock structure

From: Stephen Smalley (sdsat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 05:29:06 PDT

  • Next message: James Morris: "Re: New hooks for sock structure"

    On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Wayne Salamon wrote:
    >   In the original SELinux prototype, the client security info was
    > maintained in the sock struct. In the current LSM SELinux, we tried to
    > avoid using the sock structure and implemented a list of connection-SID
    > mappings, but this is prone to leak memory and is not very elegant, and
    > doesn't always work in the UNIX case. See
    > for a detailed
    > discussion. So we decided to add security info to the sock struct in the
    > same manner as the original prototype.
    In particular, see the discussion of extsocket_post_accept in the Extended
    Socket Call Processing section.  We need to be able to save peer SID
    (client SID) information on a per-connection basis, and the inode security
    blob of the listening socket is inadequate for this purpose.
    Stephen D. Smalley, NAI Labs
    linux-security-module mailing list

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