Re: Submitting LSM (Was: Re: OLS Bof info)

From: James Morris (jmorrisat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 17:01:11 PDT

  • Next message: Wayne Salamon: "Re: New hooks for sock structure"

    On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Stephen Smalley wrote:
    > James pointed out that we can remove the NetFilter IP hooks from LSM and
    > simply let the modules register them as necessary.  Is anyone already
    > working on a patch for this? 
    No, I was waiting to see if there would be any further feedback.
    > Do we also need to make the non-NetFilter IPv4 networking hooks 
    > configurable?  What about the skb hooks?  The sock_rcv_skb hook?  The 
    > socket layer hooks?  Does this need to be done prior to initial 
    > submission of the LSM patch?
    According to the gigabit Webstone benchmarks, we'd still have a 1-2% 
    performance hit after removal of the netfilter hooks.  However, it's not 
    clear exactly what is causing this (note that the lmbench tcp bandwidth 
    figures for the same setup show a hit of only %0.3), and making network 
    hooks configurable for this reason might be premature at this stage.
    I would suggest that we don't make the network hooks configurable unless 
    specifically asked to by the network maintainers.
    - James
    James Morris
    linux-security-module mailing list

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