Secure Computing statement of assurance

From: SCC (SCCat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 13:09:46 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: Secure Computing statement of assurance"

    Secure Computing has reviewed the concerns expressed by the open source
    community about SELinux and certain Secure Computing patents.  We understand
    that considerable effort has been invested in SELinux, with the expectation
    that SELinux would be available for everyone's use.  On the other hand, it
    is the policy of Secure Computing to retain and enforce its rights in all of
    its patents and other intellectual property.  In this case, we have decided
    to make an exception to that policy, and to support the reasonable
    expectations of the open source community.  For this reason, we are
    extending an assurance to the open source community that Secure Computing
    will not use the patents in question to limit the availability of SELinux.  
    Our assurance is subject to certain limitations that we believe are
    consistent with the spirit of open source.  We know that we have caused
    confusion addressing this issue in the past, so we want to be as clear as
    possible in resolving the issue.  We have developed a Statement of Assurance
    to provide that clarity.  The Statement of Assurance summarizes the scope of
    our assurance to the community, as well as the limits of that assurance.
    The Statement of Assurance may be found at
    <>   We hope
    you will agree that the Statement of Assurance is both reasonable and clear.
    We thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue and
    hope you will feel that your patience has been rewarded.
    Secure Computing Corporation
    linux-security-module mailing list

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