Re: Which module is "best"?

From: Pete Loscocco (palat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 13:15:40 PST

  • Next message: Petr Baudis: "[PATCH] kobject support for LSM core (v2)"

    On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:59, Daniel Carrera wrote:
    > I've read a couple of papers explaining SELinux and its model of MAC.    
    > I was very impressed and I'm leaning towards this one.  However, I'm
    > concerned that it's only a research project.  Is SELinux meant for
    > production systems? or is it just a proof of concept?
    > In other words, is SELinux a good option?
    Although SELinux was created as a research project and many still use
    it for a basis of research, the effectiveness of its technology has led
    to its being used or considered for use in products and production
    environments by a wide variety of industries including: Government,
    Linux distributors, OEMs, defense contractors, telecommunications,
    SCADA systems providers, and PDA and other consumer electronics vendors. In 
    addition, commercial training and support is becoming increasingly available.
    Peter Loscocco
    SELinux Project Leader
    National Security Agency
    linux-security-module mailing list

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