*****SPAM***** ATTN GAMBLERS: Make $7500 a Month with Online Casino......... ajmt

From: Casino_Online_238 (Casino_Online_464at_private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 13:39:01 PST

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    <p align="center">
    <img border="0" src="http://www.yourcasinobiz.com/Casino_Logo.gif" width="341" height="44"></p>
    <p align="justify">Online gambling is taking off! In 2002 alone, the Online
    Casino industry earned over $3 billion, and is expected to
    skyrocket to over $5 billion annually by the end of 2003.<br>
    We've partnered with three of the top online casinos,
    and we'll give you your very own &quot;Online Gaming Portal&quot;
    where your visitors will be able to play over 20 of the most
    popular games with real money. The best part is, you'll
    keep 40-50% of the net game play from all three of these
    casinos, while they do all of the work for you!<br>
    We're so confident in your success that we'll guarantee
    you'll hit your $7,500/month goal within your first 6 months or it's FREE!!!<br>
    For more information, please visit our web site:
    <b><a href="http://www.yourcasinobiz.com">www.yourcasinobiz.com</a></b><br>
    <p align="justify">&nbsp;<p align="justify">&nbsp;<p align="justify">&nbsp;<p align="justify">I no longer care to receive such information <a href="mailto:tallrheat_private">tallrheat_private</a>.<p>
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