Re: How to get full pathname from an inode?

From: Jesse Pollard (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 13:55:21 PDT

  • Next message: Jesse Pollard: "Re: How to get full pathname from an inode?"

    On Friday 25 July 2003 15:40, Omen Wild wrote:
    > Quoting Jesse Pollard <> on Thu, Jul 24 15:56:
    > > If the attacker can do that, then he can just replace the search path
    > > environment variable and accomplish the same thing.
    > I am not trying to protect against every attack, but a specific type of
    > attack.  I guess I'm mostly trying to protect against rootkits and
    > Trojans.  Those usually modify critical binaries to cover their tracks.
    > If the admin is worried about the search path getting changed, then
    > they should protect the files that control the search path against
    > tampering (with this module).
    So you are going to hash EVERY script on the system, and user files too?
    I don't think so. You would never be able to keep up with user changes.
    Even changes to root. The profile is read on every invocation of the shell.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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