Dont let that weasel fool you

From: Diego (diegoat_private)
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 18:00:09 PDT

  • Next message: Christopher: "Make sure your kids can go to college"

    I am Diego a Consultant at America Financial.
    Isn't it time to slash
     that interest and enjoy a home and extra c-a-s-h as well.
    I have prepared these examples for your property:
    Amt            .    Mon. Payment.
    50,000            $235
    100,000          $575
    200,000          $1,150
    * Based on 8/13/03 information These financial packages are
    in effect through 10/19/2003.
    Just check here to get started.
    Thank You,
    Good luck on everything and let me know if I can help.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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