Re: Spam on the list

From: Doc Shankar (dshankarat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 14 2003 - 13:24:20 PDT

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    Thanks Chris. Looks like i am now unsubscribed.  Whatever you and/or Seth 
    did worked.  I really want to subscribe but can't deal with the Spam.  I 
    will wait till things quieten down...........................Thanks,   Doc
    Crispin Cowan <crispinat_private>
    09/12/2003 12:33 PM
            To:     Doc Shankar/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
            cc:     Seth Arnold <sarnoldat_private>, Chi Bao Nguyen <cbnguyenat_private>, 
    linux-security-moduleat_private, linux-security-module-bouncesat_private
            Subject:        Re: Spam on the list
    Doc Shankar wrote:
    >i have unsubscribed twice using the instructions & have still not got off
    >the list.     What do i do?
    I don't know which of the several methods you tried, or what went wrong. 
    I've unsubscribed dshankarat_private
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix

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