selinux-policy parsing error

From: Torben Krause (torben.krause@private)
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 09:03:00 PST

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: selinux-policy parsing error"

    Hello ,
    i have installed the lsm patch successfully on my machine ( 
    debian/woody, 2.4.23 kernel with new SE Linux lsm,acl and exec-shield 
    patch )
    Now, a few minutes ago i have tried to install the 
    selinux-policy-default_1.4-2_all.deb package from Brians unstable 
    After the initial configuration questions about the rules checkpolicy 
    tries to parse the policy.conf file. I got during this process some 
    errors like "unknown type ...  in line ... " . When I comment out this 
    line and start dpkg --pending --configure again , i got a similar error 
    but with a different line.
    What is the reason of that ?
    Are there other packages i have to install prior to selinux-policy ?

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