LSM quick start, file_permission

From: Everett Anderson (eea1@private)
Date: Sat Feb 21 2004 - 21:21:27 PST

  • Next message: MRBATESALAN@private: "REPLY SOON"

    I'm trying to start a quick project to evaluate the performance
    implications of adding security checks during read/write/seeks.  I'd like
    to use LSM for this, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what I need
    to get up and running using it.
    If I have a Debian installation, grab the stock 2.4.20 kernel from, and use the latest stable 2.4 patch from, is
    that sufficient to write a kernel module which can provide an
    implementation for LSM's file_permission hook?
    Do I need to also pick up the Traditional Super User module or an SELinux
    Does anyone have recommendations for howtos or guides to getting started?

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