task_post_setgid ?

From: Chandra Seetharaman (sekharan@private)
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 13:45:29 PST

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: task_post_setgid ?"

    In the list of security hooks, for setuid()(and family), I see two hooks - 
    task_setuid() and task_post_setuid(), one for checking the permissions and
    the second for setting the capabilities. But, for setgid(), I see only
    task_setgid(), no task_post_setgid().
    To my understanding, the rationale for providing task_post_setuid() holds
    good for providing task_post_setgid(). What is the rationale for not having
    the post hook for setgid() ?
    thanks & regards,
        Chandra Seetharaman               | Be careful what you choose....
                  - sekharan@private   |      .......you may get it.

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