Linux, Be good

From: Exquisite G. Mccombs (Dosanjh@private)
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 07:27:16 PDT

 Hello Linux,

It's nice to finally reach you. How are you feeling today? Sick of h|gh pr|ce meds...
You can (S)(A)(V)(E) (V)oney with (anadian Pharrmacy - The following iterns may intrigue you:

	· Mer1d1a, X<ana>X, Cia|is, and so much more
	· Med.s are 70 per(ent less than regular (ost.
	· No docteror visits or hassles
	· S(v)ooth, d|screet, de|ivery to your residence. (Anywhere in the world.)

Sound easy enough - You bet it is! Feel free to contact me for more on this:

"Exquisite G. Mccombs"
P.S. Dont think so? OK, Thanks for your time. 

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