*****SPAM***** Tdnuidgrmd Your R~x 0r-.der Is Re^ady For Re.f1ll 0v^ernite To Your D00`, r

From: bert carrasquillo (jessiehiltz@private)
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 23:33:06 PDT

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US`A Ph~`arm_' & 0ver`nig-,ht De`,liver

Estreelde_I http://atorg.q.anyplace9909pi11.us/f74/

This announcement came a day after the Lakers shipped O'Neal to the Miami
Heat for forwards Lamar Odom, Caron Butler and Brian Grant and a future
draft pick.
But in a recent interview, Ray Simon, the assistant secretary for secondary
and elementary education, said the criteria were being re-examined.
zarzaga`n0doradillo61placeramente,guayar espernada. 

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